Saturday, May 15, 2010

What's The Meaning of This?

For my birthday I received this drawing from a friend of mine clipped to some cash.  Sure, the safe assumption is that it is meant for a massage but my mind went somewhere else entirely.


The CilleyGirl said...

LOL! What is that supposed to be in the middle of you? It looks like a giant tapeworm (or, if you're into scifi, a Go'auld symbiote).

Michael said...

I want it on the record that I was not the friend that gave you that. said...

If that's his right arm, it means one thing. If it's NOT an arm at all..........quite another.

Titanium Spork said...

Cilley - I think it is supposed to be my right arm but I like the tapeworm idea much better! How did you think I lost the 20 lbs.?!

By the way, my sci-fi lovin' boyfriend got the Go'auld symbiote reference.

Fishergirl said...

You can't call him your boyfriend anymore . . . unless it is indeed someone other than your fiance, like my boyfriend, Gym:)