Aaaackkk! I LOVE the Olympics but they must end soon. I am exhausted from staying up late and watching them and I am tired of spending every night in front of the TV. It is keeping me from sleep and posting pics and stories from our Olympic weekend (which was AMAZING by the way). You might say to yourself "just don't turn the TV on" but let's be realistic; that just isn't an option with the Olympics.
I am also way behind on the weekly training log but I will say that things have been going swimmingly in this department and I had the best six-miler I have had in eons last night.
I will catch up on everything by the weekend. Until then, bring on the caffeine.
I'm right there with you. Do you have lovely dark under eye circles too? Why can't they start at 7 instead of 8? At least we'd be asleep by 11.
I'm glad we're not the only ones!!!!
So you do realize that you don't actually have to watch them all, right?
Michael, Michael, Michael....
Some people just don't get it.
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