Sunday, September 27, 2009

On Second Thought...

After two beautiful nights of long, deep sleep and two days of not leaving the house other than to go for runs I have calmed down my panic for the quarter.

Yes, between work, school, commute and homework I am looking at an 80 hour week. However, people do that all the time for their jobs. Drunken, sour, miserable people but they do it nonetheless. I can surely do that for 10 weeks. The hard work part, not the drunken miserable part.

With my new rest-induced take on this whole thing I have decided this: I am going to make this quarter my bitch.

All I have to do is be hyper-organized. All clothes washed, ironed and put away over the weekend and laid out the night before so I can find them in the morning. Healthy lunches packed the night before and put in the fridge. Getting all the required reading done for the week done on the weekend prior and all appropriate lecture notes and slides printed out and put in binders ahead of time. Paying close attention to my schedule so I know when I have events scheduled and need to front load my studying. Putting no other social things on the calendar other than what is already there and can't be moved. Getting to bed at a decent hour so I am not sleep deprived and can continue to feel positive and energetic. Going out for runs a few days a week to keep my body moving and clear my mind.

The best boyfriend in the world has also offered to take on a disproportionally larger share of household chores, shopping, and cooking while I finish school. As much as I appreciate that offer I feel weird about accepting it. I hate inequality and feeling like I am not pulling my own weight. I truly appreciate him recognizing the challenges of the next weeks and for wanting to help out and be as supportive as possible. We'll see if I change my mind about the help as I get deeper into the quarter.

Back to the books!


Kath said...

Yay! You have a plan. : ) Definitely let the Best Boyfriend in the World help out for 10 weeks. It will be your turn sooner or later.

Here's to a happy, healthy, well-organized quarter!


Judy said...

Yikes! Your schedule puts mine to shame. I agree with Kath. Your Best Boyfriend in the World should definitely be taken up on his offer. Remember... people like to give. It would be rude to not accept. ;0)