Monday, August 10, 2009


For those of you who don't know yet, I moved on August 1 to the dreaded Eastside. While I am excited about the next phase of my relationship with Kevin I am not so excited about not living in Seattle or the commute that blossomed from five blocks to 30 miles.

Determined to enjoy the new neighborhood I took a break from unpacking and overwhelming chaos on Monday to go for a run and find some routes. Having a regular route will help me feel more at home. There is a nice little pond nearby with a mile and 1/4 trail around it that I ran around. It is woodsy and smelled amazing on a sunny day. Not Green Lake but it will be a nice local run at least until the trail turns into mud. Kevin and I also went to a concert in the park series on Thursday at a local park he didn't even know existed. Afterwards we went to the local Mexican restaurant that I used to go to all the time for lunch when I worked nearby and we were serenaded by mariachi music. I LOVE mariachi music even though I couldn't begin to tell you the name of any song so the band played something sad per my request. Sad music is the best. Friday night was dinner and drinks with friends in Bellevue. Overall, the first week of adapting to the Eastside went well.

Overall, the move has been good so far. The cats are enjoying their new space and two big pink people around to feed and pet them instead of just one. They were quite freaked out at first and there was much hiding behind toilets and under beds but by about the third day everyone was back to normal. The boxes are mostly unpacked but there are still some challenges to squeezing in two households worth of stuff into one place. Slowly but surely we are coming along with it.

Even with all the moving chaos I managed to squeeze in 17 miles and a yoga class last week. That is my highest mileage week in a long time. Maybe the avoiding the commute thing will end up being beneficial to my fitness.

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