- We have a pond frog. I would post a picture but he is terribly skittish and I haven't been able to get one. He leaps into the pond from his little froggy hollow he has made in our moss if you even come near the screen door. I spend a lot of time trying to frog spot these days. I think he came over from the big pond about 20 yards away. I imagine he prefers being a big frog in a little pond rather than a little frog in a big pond. I also imagine he was bullied and picked on by the frogs in the big pond and so ran away to our place for shelter and safety. We have a little dorky nerd frog. I am getting too attached and perhaps spending too much time creating stories for the little guy.
- The fact that it only took me 35 minutes to get to work this morning should make me happy but it mostly annoys me. When I know it can be like this I resent the hour and a half evening commutes that have become the norm even more. I am starting to dread going home because of the hellacious traffic.
- Being sick when it is sunny and beautiful outside is just wrong. I missed a baseball game Friday night, a race Sunday morning, spent all day Saturday and a good half of Sunday basically asleep or just generally feeling crappy. But I'm all better for cloudy weather and work on Monday! Whee!
- Tilda Swinton frightens me.
- Today the Squeeze Pandora station is providing much joy. Also, listening to Pandora has ruined me for regular radio. I keep looking for the "thumbs down" button to make the song I don't like disappear. Easy to remedy in the car but harder when you listen to regular radio online through your computer.
- The podcast I listen to refers to the comments section of any internet article as "the dark heart of the human soul". I agree and rarely go down there to look but today I found this beautiful comment by a gentleman named Ian regarding an article on "Community". "I don't know if my internet works like your internet. My internet has articles with titles, in the titles are subjects. And if I have no interest in the subject, I don't have to click it and read about it. I'm guessing your internet forces you to read through everything? Maybe there is a setting you can fix."
You are watching "Community" aren't you?- Last week I had a minor surgery that involved getting up at 4:30 a.m. and being put under general anesthesia. Is it a bad sign that I discovered I would prefer to do that every day than come into my job anymore?
- If you a woman who likes to participate in athletic endeavors or know a woman who does or heck, if you are just a woman or know one, please read this article by the always awesome Jelisa Castrodale. She is one of the wittiest, smartest writers out there and she wins at internet this week (and really most weeks). This piece has a more serious tone than many of her others do but I think it might be my very favorite.
- In spite of, or because of, the weird muscle aches down the back of both of my legs I am going to go out and go for a run tonight. The muscle aches were there when I woke up Sunday morning and haven't really gone away yet. It is a weird feeling and the dark, weird part of my brain goes automatically to "degenerative muscle disease"; the normal part of my brain says this is probably just residual from whatever sickness I had over the weekend and/or just too much laying around.
- How did I ever get by before discovering Chobani yogurt? It is absolutely worth the extra cost. Nummy and satiating in one little tub.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Monday Brain Dump
Since I am stuck at work on what is for everyone else a holiday I feel like I should spend a little time doing a brain dump. I have a few thoughts and things that aren't worthy of a whole post and probably aren't worthy of a bullet-point post either but humor me. I need to amuse myself today.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Our First Anniversary
We started by bringing our cake top out of the freezer. I originally had no interest in doing this when we were doing all the wedding planning but Kevin is a sentimental guy and insisted on it and I am so glad we did. It was very special to have something from that very day and seemed to bring the year full circle. It is a really sweet (ha!) tradition and one I am fully behind now.
The cake was actually still incredibly beautiful and incredibly delicious. The top tier was chocolate with chocolate ganache and cream cheese filling and cream cheese frosting. I had very low expectations for how it would taste after a year but it was as amazing as it was when it was fresh. It helps to have had a super moist cake to begin with and then I think the fondant helped seal in some of that moisture and flavor. We also had this beast wrapped up super tight in the freezer. We hated to cut into it almost as much as we hated to cut into the big cake at the wedding. But we did and took frozen slices in a cooler down to Edgefield with us to enjoy every day we were there.
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The original creation. |
We had four days of wonderful, relaxing, romantic vacation. We took our time getting down there on Saturday and stopped and did a little wine tasting on the way. Then we spent the rest of the time just unwinding and enjoying spending time together. We didn't even leave the property until about 2:00 on Tuesday afternoon. Drinks were consumed, pedicures enjoyed (by me with wine and Willie Nelson and the Clash - Best. Spa. Ever), food was eaten, naps and soaks were taken, Grateful Dead was listened to, more drinks were consumed, books were read, plants were purchased and new memories were added to our already overflowing Edgefield memory bank.
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Wine and Kindle at 11:30 a.m. Vacation is good. |
We went back to the room to exchange presents and get ready to read our vows to each other and I opened the door to this...
the same gorgeous dozen red roses and romance package that were waiting in our room when we got back from the soaking pool after getting engaged. It was the sweetest most romantic thing and I didn't think it could get any better but then my sweetie gave me my anniversary present.
An anniversary journal made out of elephant poo paper!! The first anniversary is the paper anniversary and I knew he would try to stick with that theme. He did the calligraphy himself and then scanned it into the computer and then stuck the pieces to the journal. It has two pages that have each of our vows on it and then two pages for each year of our anniversary with the number and date of the anniversary done in calligraphy on yellow elephant poo paper. Each year we will write what we did and put pictures from our anniversary inside. He also gave me yellow poo paper roses. My honey knows me well!!
Armed with our nicely bound vows we headed out to the vineyard to read them to each other again. Shh, dork alert....for the first year we were reading them to each other on the 14th of every month. Sappy I know. Yearly is just fine by us now.
We brought along the bottle of bubbly we got in our romance package when we got engaged. The other cool thing is the vintage is the year we met. We drained that thing pretty fast. So tasty and such a perfect place to drink it. We even saw a bunch of rabbits bouncing through the vineyard but sadly none of them were black. Although I was tipsy enough to give them the black power salute anyway. Yeah, that was weird.
We reminisced about our wedding and how a year after the fact after the rush of the day has faded we would still do everything exactly the same (minor technical tweaks notwithstanding). There were no regrets regarding time or money spent. We put our hearts and souls into that day and even though we drove ourselves crazy with stress, needlessly at times with the amount of tiny little details we obsessed for hours upon hours over (you really have NO idea), it was 100% completely worth it (although with hindsight we would have started fluffing pom poms waaay earlier). For the rest of our lives we will have the memory of a truly special, truly amazing day that was authentically us and that hopefully our friends and family will remember forever as being unique and special. Now if we could just get that photo album put together.
We also marveled at the paradox of how our wedding seems like both a few days ago and a lifetime ago. Neither of us can quite wrap our heads around that. I can't even imagine my life before I met Kevin but we only met six years ago. We talked about how it wasn't weird to say "husband" or "wife" anymore and how the word "wife" doesn't make me want to run screaming away from it. I did what I had hoped to do which was define "wife" for myself and it doesn't have all those negative connotations I wrestled with so strongly before the wedding.
There was the one thing missing from our weekend. As much as we wanted to just get away by ourselves and spend some time together, there was a little part of us that missed our people. We were completely glad we didn't invite others because we really needed some alone time but it was still a little wistful. Last time we were at Edgefield we couldn't turn the corner without running into someone we knew. And now that moment is gone forever and the place feels a little haunted. Haunted, but in a happy way. When I look down the halls of the Edgefield or peek up the stairs to the Attic I feel not only those that lived and died at the poor farm and nursing home but ghosts of our loved ones who helped fill the grounds with their spirits. Maybe that is what is meant by the hotel being haunted. Yes, everyone is still alive for now but they will never all be there again and they definitely all left a little of themselves behind. We will see them forever in our memories and will hold tight to those visions walking down the hallways or winding through the paths of the grounds. Edgefield has always felt a little magical to me but even more so after our wedding weekend there.
Happy first year my sweet (that is the equivalent of 5.07 Kardashians)! I am looking forward to whatever adventures life holds for us. I love you very much and, well, ....I fink you freaky and I like you a lot!
p.s. What the hell kind of jacked -up spell-check doesn't recognize the word "ganache?"
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Excellent Coprolite
Monday, May 7, 2012
Riddle Me This
This isn't a new topic and many, many people have pondered this before so I am not covering any fresh ground here. With that said, I am still consistently amazed at how dang hard it is to drag your carcass out of the house and exercise. Why is this?
I know that I feel good when I run, I feel good after I run, and I am always glad I went out there and did it. Always. I also know it is good for me and that I feel better physically and mentally after I run. So why, oh why, do I have to force myself to go?
Sunday I finally talked myself into heading out for a three-miler down at the lake. I had to fight myself all day about it and even through the first half-mile. After that I was hap-hap-happy as could be. The sun was shining, the temps were perfect (usually perfect running temps are about 50 degrees for me but yesterday felt great after so many cold, rainy days), and it felt good to get my legs moving again. I could almost hear them saying "Oh yeah, I remember what this feels like. This is what we are supposed to do. Let's do this more often." Sure legs, I hear you and I second that. And you know what will happen when I lace up again on Wednesday? The rest of me will whine and bitch and moan and I will have to, yet again, convince myself that I really want to run that night.
I know that once you get in the habit and get the fitness back it gets easier to get out there and you actually start to look forward to it. I miss those days and I want them back.
Am I the only one who struggles with this? I can't be.
I know that I feel good when I run, I feel good after I run, and I am always glad I went out there and did it. Always. I also know it is good for me and that I feel better physically and mentally after I run. So why, oh why, do I have to force myself to go?
Sunday I finally talked myself into heading out for a three-miler down at the lake. I had to fight myself all day about it and even through the first half-mile. After that I was hap-hap-happy as could be. The sun was shining, the temps were perfect (usually perfect running temps are about 50 degrees for me but yesterday felt great after so many cold, rainy days), and it felt good to get my legs moving again. I could almost hear them saying "Oh yeah, I remember what this feels like. This is what we are supposed to do. Let's do this more often." Sure legs, I hear you and I second that. And you know what will happen when I lace up again on Wednesday? The rest of me will whine and bitch and moan and I will have to, yet again, convince myself that I really want to run that night.
I know that once you get in the habit and get the fitness back it gets easier to get out there and you actually start to look forward to it. I miss those days and I want them back.
Am I the only one who struggles with this? I can't be.
Friday, May 4, 2012
Two Years Ago Today...
It's our two year engage-iversary today! I think the traditional two year engage-iversary gift is tickets to a baseball game between two teams vying to be kings of futility. Such luck! We happen to have just those very tickets tonight.
In a week we will be sitting in the soaking pool at the Edgefield reliving the moment.
Happy two years sweetie! May the fourth be with you always.*
*No, Star Wars Day had nothing to do with the engagement but it does make it easy to remember.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Birthday Week
Here are a slew of pictures from my birthday week. And yes, it was almost a week of celebration. For the first time in six years my birthday weekend wasn't spent down in Eugene so I actually feel like it wasn't sort of an afterthought this time. I'm not complaining mind you since Eugene was always my choice but it was nice to have a birthday at home at the normal time and not after the fact.
The fun started last Wednesday with a session with Corks and Canvas to make "art". While I harbor no illusions about either of our painting skills, I don't think we were downright horrible. Regardless of the outcome, we had a good time and actually learned a few things about perspective and color. Clearly, neither of which we used in our paintings.
After seeing a really bad movie about Gauguin at the Seattle Art Museum on Friday night we decided to try to squeeze in one more visit to the Gauguin and Polynesia exhibit at SAM early Saturday morning. The horrible steaming pile o' movie actually did give us a new perspective on his work and I looked at the paintings differently this time around.
From SAM we made a quick gelato stop, mmmmm......cantaloupe and passion fruit gelato, and then headed out to our main destination, Woodland Park Zoo. I love the zoo and haven't been in a ridiculously long time so I decided it would be the perfect birthday treat. Also, my Groupon was expiring ; the story of our times.
Look closely at the above picture of the tapir. That is not a skinny leg protruding back there. That is a ginormous tapir wang. Boy did that tapir look pleased with himself! He can move that thing like an elephant trunk. A lot of dexterity for that appendage. We looked up tapir penises on the internet later because we were so fascinated and then proceeded to learn all sorts of fascinating animal kingdom penis facts. Just let me know and I will totally share them with you. Detachable penises are real, people!
We had a great time at the zoo. We got to hang out and watch the penguins for quite awhile (my favorites), see the orangutans get their temperatures checked and get shots (fascinating how they are trained so well to put their heads and shoulders up to the wire for the keeper) and see the above mentioned manly tapir display. We didn't get to see everything though but there was another visit scheduled for Sunday morning so that was alright.
From the zoo we went down to Greenlake to sit and kill time until our dinner reservation was ready. I chose Poppy because I had heard such good things about it and the food looked unusual. I wanted to try something totally different. Somehow I became enamored with the idea of eating fiddle head ferns and decided that my meal must include them. The meals are made up of either seven or ten small dishes served together on a tray and included some interesting flavor profiles.
Mine was sadly just sort of "meh". There is far too much greenery on that plate for it to excite me too much. Nothing was bad but nothing was outstanding. Kevin, on the other hand, out ordered me and everything on his plate was delicious.
Notice the total lack of green things on his plate. Tasty correlation? I think so.
Afterwards we walked Broadway for a little bit. Man, has that street changed in just a year. You can hardly recognize it any more. But we surely recognized this guy. If it wasn't for him, Dick's Drive-In and a few other places I wouldn't have known what street we were on.
Sunday brought more birthday goodness. We headed back to the zoo in the morning for an "up close" tour that didn't take us as up close or behind the scenes as we hoped. Still an informative tour and very interesting but I really wanted to get closer to the penguins. Later, we did get to feed the little guys some little fish so that was fun. Maybe someday I can be filthy rich and donate a bunch of money with the condition that I get to snuggle some penguins. I hear they are practically chickens!
We left the zoo and went down to Mom's place for the family birthday celebration. That meal was much tastier than the fine dining experience I had on Saturday. We had cowboy beans, deviled eggs and cream cheese dogs with caramelized onions and bacon. Holy hell was that a good meal. Future sis-in-law made a hummingbird cake that was quite tasty too.
Sadly, the actual birthday was filled up with that pesky old job but Kevin and I enjoyed some lovely leftovers, presents and some mini-cheesecakes we picked up on Broadway Saturday night from The Confectional.
It was an exhausting but fun birthday week but I am totally ready for things to be back to normal. I did schedule one little treat/indulgence for myself for early Saturday morning but that is the last of it. Who knows? Maybe next year will find me back at Eugene running my inagural marathon. That would be a delightful present for myself.
The fun started last Wednesday with a session with Corks and Canvas to make "art". While I harbor no illusions about either of our painting skills, I don't think we were downright horrible. Regardless of the outcome, we had a good time and actually learned a few things about perspective and color. Clearly, neither of which we used in our paintings.
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Mine is on the left, Kevin's is on the right. |
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I call this one "Taurus with Taurus" |
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Wolves! |
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Minutes before getting his ass kicked by another peacock. |
Lined up waiting for the artificial wave to start so they could jump in and play in it. |
From the zoo we went down to Greenlake to sit and kill time until our dinner reservation was ready. I chose Poppy because I had heard such good things about it and the food looked unusual. I wanted to try something totally different. Somehow I became enamored with the idea of eating fiddle head ferns and decided that my meal must include them. The meals are made up of either seven or ten small dishes served together on a tray and included some interesting flavor profiles.
Mine was sadly just sort of "meh". There is far too much greenery on that plate for it to excite me too much. Nothing was bad but nothing was outstanding. Kevin, on the other hand, out ordered me and everything on his plate was delicious.
Notice the total lack of green things on his plate. Tasty correlation? I think so.
Afterwards we walked Broadway for a little bit. Man, has that street changed in just a year. You can hardly recognize it any more. But we surely recognized this guy. If it wasn't for him, Dick's Drive-In and a few other places I wouldn't have known what street we were on.
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Me and Jimi |
We left the zoo and went down to Mom's place for the family birthday celebration. That meal was much tastier than the fine dining experience I had on Saturday. We had cowboy beans, deviled eggs and cream cheese dogs with caramelized onions and bacon. Holy hell was that a good meal. Future sis-in-law made a hummingbird cake that was quite tasty too.
Sadly, the actual birthday was filled up with that pesky old job but Kevin and I enjoyed some lovely leftovers, presents and some mini-cheesecakes we picked up on Broadway Saturday night from The Confectional.
It was an exhausting but fun birthday week but I am totally ready for things to be back to normal. I did schedule one little treat/indulgence for myself for early Saturday morning but that is the last of it. Who knows? Maybe next year will find me back at Eugene running my inagural marathon. That would be a delightful present for myself.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Not Exactly With the Greatest of Ease
Saturday I shook off a dusty old Groupon and took a flying trapeze class at Emerald City Trapeze. That was so frickin' fun! I cannot recommend the experience enough. Last spring, my friend Amber took a flying trapeze class at the same place and when I read her blog post about it I was so very jealous. It sounded like such a blast! Something a little dangerous, but not really, that would totally push me outside my comfort zone. So I invited my future sister-in-law and off we went to fly through the air.
Before you get up on the actual trapeze the instructors walk you through "ground school" where they teach you how to jump off the platform, walk you through exactly what is going to happen and then take you through your moves on a stationary chin-up bar. Now, before I actually got there I was worried that my noodly bookkeeper arms would be an issue. What I should have been worrying about, and what somehow never crossed my mind, was my core strength, or lack thereof. Once they showed you the moves: hang from the bar, lift your legs up through your arms and loop them over the bar and then......wait.....you want me to do what?! Oh shit. This was going to be a problem. I have such little core strength that it is a wonder I can actually walk upright. I didn't think my legs would get up onto that bar. With a lot of help from the instructor and some very ungraceful movements I hefted my stems up there and finished the rest of the moves: release your hands, bend back, look back while reaching your hands out, put your hands back on the bar and then release your legs and dismount. They promised us that it was easier in the air with momentum and a kind of momentary weightlessness a the height of your swings. I hoped like hell they were right.
Seriously, the scariest part of this whole thing was the dang ladder. It was tiny and bounced with every step. It was also very high. But they have you safety harnessed in for getting up the ladder and then they undo that line and strap you into two other safety lines before you do your trick. The platform is narrow and you stand and contemplate your fate while you hold onto a safety bar with your left hand and reach out your right to grab the trapeze. Then the other super scary part comes which is letting go of the safety bar with your left hand and grabbing the bar. Mind you, you are about 25 feet in the air and you have to lean out over the net, away from the platform to do this. The instructor has hold of your safety belt, you are harnessed in and in case all of that fails there is a huge net at the bottom to catch you but it is still a little terrifying to let go and reach for that bar. It goes against all of your instincts. Once you have the bar in your hands you get the signal to bend your knees and hop off the platform and go swinging out over the net.
Now, what is supposed to happen is exactly what you did in ground school. At the first high-point of the swing the legs are supposed to go up and over the bar.......and I couldn't do it. Wasn't happening. So we went right into the back flip into the net. Kick legs forward, back, forward and then grab knees and flip. That was a tremendous amount of fun and something I was actually able to do each time. After the rest of the class got through with their first turns we got to go again. Same thing only less nervous on the platform and ladder. I jumped and.....no knee hang. But I was closer. Third time I came so unbelievably close, I almost had it. After watching the video I think a little more knee bend and I would have had it. But the last back flip I did was pretty great so there was at least that. So, because I wasn't able to complete the moves I obviously couldn't do the catch but I loved watching the rest of the class do it. Everyone but me and the 13 and 10 year-old boys got to do the catch. My sis-in-law to be decided she wasn't going to participate in the class during ground school so she didn't get to go either.
I can't say enough great things about this experience. I don't have a fear of heights but it still was pretty scary. I was a little shaky and sweating like the proverbial whore in the proverbial church. You are asking yourself to do things that your mind does not want you to do. But the instructors were so kind and genuine and supportive and the set-up was so very safe that it helped me be able to go for it and try something totally different and, frankly, very awesome. I plan on going back in a few months once I work on my core strength. I WILL get my legs up and over that bar and I WILL get to do a catch. I have unfinished business with that trapeze.
Before you get up on the actual trapeze the instructors walk you through "ground school" where they teach you how to jump off the platform, walk you through exactly what is going to happen and then take you through your moves on a stationary chin-up bar. Now, before I actually got there I was worried that my noodly bookkeeper arms would be an issue. What I should have been worrying about, and what somehow never crossed my mind, was my core strength, or lack thereof. Once they showed you the moves: hang from the bar, lift your legs up through your arms and loop them over the bar and then......wait.....you want me to do what?! Oh shit. This was going to be a problem. I have such little core strength that it is a wonder I can actually walk upright. I didn't think my legs would get up onto that bar. With a lot of help from the instructor and some very ungraceful movements I hefted my stems up there and finished the rest of the moves: release your hands, bend back, look back while reaching your hands out, put your hands back on the bar and then release your legs and dismount. They promised us that it was easier in the air with momentum and a kind of momentary weightlessness a the height of your swings. I hoped like hell they were right.
Seriously, the scariest part of this whole thing was the dang ladder. It was tiny and bounced with every step. It was also very high. But they have you safety harnessed in for getting up the ladder and then they undo that line and strap you into two other safety lines before you do your trick. The platform is narrow and you stand and contemplate your fate while you hold onto a safety bar with your left hand and reach out your right to grab the trapeze. Then the other super scary part comes which is letting go of the safety bar with your left hand and grabbing the bar. Mind you, you are about 25 feet in the air and you have to lean out over the net, away from the platform to do this. The instructor has hold of your safety belt, you are harnessed in and in case all of that fails there is a huge net at the bottom to catch you but it is still a little terrifying to let go and reach for that bar. It goes against all of your instincts. Once you have the bar in your hands you get the signal to bend your knees and hop off the platform and go swinging out over the net.
Now, what is supposed to happen is exactly what you did in ground school. At the first high-point of the swing the legs are supposed to go up and over the bar.......and I couldn't do it. Wasn't happening. So we went right into the back flip into the net. Kick legs forward, back, forward and then grab knees and flip. That was a tremendous amount of fun and something I was actually able to do each time. After the rest of the class got through with their first turns we got to go again. Same thing only less nervous on the platform and ladder. I jumped and.....no knee hang. But I was closer. Third time I came so unbelievably close, I almost had it. After watching the video I think a little more knee bend and I would have had it. But the last back flip I did was pretty great so there was at least that. So, because I wasn't able to complete the moves I obviously couldn't do the catch but I loved watching the rest of the class do it. Everyone but me and the 13 and 10 year-old boys got to do the catch. My sis-in-law to be decided she wasn't going to participate in the class during ground school so she didn't get to go either.
I can't say enough great things about this experience. I don't have a fear of heights but it still was pretty scary. I was a little shaky and sweating like the proverbial whore in the proverbial church. You are asking yourself to do things that your mind does not want you to do. But the instructors were so kind and genuine and supportive and the set-up was so very safe that it helped me be able to go for it and try something totally different and, frankly, very awesome. I plan on going back in a few months once I work on my core strength. I WILL get my legs up and over that bar and I WILL get to do a catch. I have unfinished business with that trapeze.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Weekends of Fun and Sun
The last two weekends here have been absolutely fabulous. Sunshine, warmth, super busy and oodles of fun.
The previous weekend we spent time out in Woodinville attending the opening of a new brewery that one of Kevin's co-worker's started. We then met some friends for some wine tasting and sitting out in the grass enjoying the sun. Seriously, between the scads of wineries, breweries and new distilleries Woodinville is rapidly becoming a "drunkard's dream if I ever did see one" (RIP Mr. Levon Helm). We left our spots in the sun and headed out to the ballpark for our first game of the season. Ahhhh......baseball.
No surer sign of spring exists than the beginning of baseball season. Bonus: we actually won!
Sunday we took advantage of more beautiful weather and headed up to LaConner to tiptoe through the tulips. More daffodils than tulips were in bloom but it didn't matter because it was still stunning.
This last weekend involved even more fun and sunshine. Friday night was "Apollo and Carmina Burina" at Pacific Northwest Ballet. One of the best programs they have done in awhile. Truly stunning.
Saturday I took my very first trapeze lesson; more about that in a post to come and maybe even a video. I then had a nice lunch with my future sister-in-law where I tried pho for the first time and then went home to do some yard work and more sun sitting, long walk around the neighborhood and a late viewing of "The Hunger Games". Sunday Kevin and I met our friend JB for lunch and then back to PNB for another run at "Apollo and Carmina Burina". Then there was more sitting in the sun at Seattle Center, this time with ice cream.
Once we got home we decided that we needed more sun so we hopped down to a local park and sat out until sunset. Hmmmm, I'm detecting a theme to these days.
Unfortunately, what didn't happen either of these weekends was any running or working out. Such perfect weather and I couldn't manage to drag my ass out the door to run. But man did I synthesize some vitamin D so that was healthy, right? The running can wait when there is this much to do. Besides, that is what work nights are for.
I hope everyone has been enjoying some beautiful spring days themselves.
The previous weekend we spent time out in Woodinville attending the opening of a new brewery that one of Kevin's co-worker's started. We then met some friends for some wine tasting and sitting out in the grass enjoying the sun. Seriously, between the scads of wineries, breweries and new distilleries Woodinville is rapidly becoming a "drunkard's dream if I ever did see one" (RIP Mr. Levon Helm). We left our spots in the sun and headed out to the ballpark for our first game of the season. Ahhhh......baseball.
No surer sign of spring exists than the beginning of baseball season. Bonus: we actually won!
Sunday we took advantage of more beautiful weather and headed up to LaConner to tiptoe through the tulips. More daffodils than tulips were in bloom but it didn't matter because it was still stunning.
This last weekend involved even more fun and sunshine. Friday night was "Apollo and Carmina Burina" at Pacific Northwest Ballet. One of the best programs they have done in awhile. Truly stunning.
Saturday I took my very first trapeze lesson; more about that in a post to come and maybe even a video. I then had a nice lunch with my future sister-in-law where I tried pho for the first time and then went home to do some yard work and more sun sitting, long walk around the neighborhood and a late viewing of "The Hunger Games". Sunday Kevin and I met our friend JB for lunch and then back to PNB for another run at "Apollo and Carmina Burina". Then there was more sitting in the sun at Seattle Center, this time with ice cream.
Once we got home we decided that we needed more sun so we hopped down to a local park and sat out until sunset. Hmmmm, I'm detecting a theme to these days.
Unfortunately, what didn't happen either of these weekends was any running or working out. Such perfect weather and I couldn't manage to drag my ass out the door to run. But man did I synthesize some vitamin D so that was healthy, right? The running can wait when there is this much to do. Besides, that is what work nights are for.
I hope everyone has been enjoying some beautiful spring days themselves.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Blast From the Past
Friday, April 6, 2012
I usually do a half-way point check in for my yearly goals but, in an effort to keep myself on track, I am doing quarterly check-ins this year. I feel pretty good about how things are going so far. Let's take a look....
How are you doing with your goals?
- Exercise a minimum of three times a week - Ummm, this one isn't as good. I averaged 2.38 times a week for the first quarter. Some of those were yoga classes and some of the running days were run/walk heavy on the walking. No surprise then that my St. Pat's Dash was as bad as it was. The last two weeks have been much better and I am hitting my three run minimum and it has been more running than walking so I feel like I can pull this one back in line.
- Lose 30 lbs. - Nope. But I am lower than I was two weeks ago. So that is something, right?
- Volunteer at least 40 hours - At quarter's end I was at 4.5 hours but put in four more last night and have some things lined up that should be fun. And yes, I count the half hour of someone trying to poke my skin and drain my blood as volunteer time. That just isn't the fun kind.
- Take four different classes - I have signed up and taken two so far: yoga every Monday and a one-time embroidery class. I am not counting the ballroom dancing classes that we were doing through March until our teacher retired because I was already signed up for those when I set my goal.
- Travel one place in state I have never been before - Not yet, but I think wine in Walla Walla is calling my name.
- Travel one place out of state I have never been before - Done! New York City, Virginia and Hershey, PA
- Read a minimum of one book a month - I was afraid I might have low-balled this when I set the goal and I think I did. It just seems like there wasn't enough time to read the past few years so I wasn't sure I could find the time to squeeze in even this small amount. Turns out if you make time even a few minutes a day and also have a vacation that involved long plane rides you can accomplish lots o' reading. It also helps if you (inadvertently) pick some shorter books. Through the first quarter I have eight books under my belt.
"Maybe Baby" by Lori Leibovich
"The Secret Garden" by Frances Hodgson Burnett
"The Secret Garden" by Frances Hodgson Burnett
"Nothing to Envy: Ordinary Lives in North Korea" by Barbara Demick
"The Art of Fielding" by Chad Harbach
"Catching Fire" by Suzanne Collins
"Mockingjay" by Suzanne Collins
"Turn Right At Macchu Picchu" by Mark Adams
"Terroryaki!" by Jennifer Chung
How are you doing with your goals?
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Photo of the Day - Day 31
You were supposed to have an awesome video of my yodeling pickle for yesterday's word which was "toy" but Blogger is being an asshat and I can't get it to upload from either my phone or camera. So imagine a green plastic pickle that yodels and you get the idea. It is awesome.
Today's word: Place I go to relax.
Today's word: Place I go to relax.
Greenlake, beautiful Greenlake. I have spent many hours running and walking the path around the lake, or sitting in the grass reading and unwinding. Even though I don't live in the neighborhood anymore I still get out here after work a few times a week (when I am being diligent with my running) and I never get tired of the place. I feel good when I am there.
This picture is a good representation of my relaxing spot because it combines the park itself with running. Even though running doesn't feel very relaxing while I am doing it, running is definitely a big part of helping me relax. This is much prettier than the picture of my toilet I was going to post.
And because I like them here are a few extra photos from our visit to the lake today.
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A stump of a big leaf maple that the Parks Department had to cut down. Someone clearly loved this tree. |
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Photo of the Day - Day 29
Today's word: feet.
There are few things cuter than pink and black paw pads. And yes, you are welcome for me not taking a picture of my bunion.
There are few things cuter than pink and black paw pads. And yes, you are welcome for me not taking a picture of my bunion.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Photo of the Day - Day 27 and 28
Yesterday's word: your name.

This is a tiny mug I have had since I was a wee girl. My great aunt made ceramics and made this for me. I am so lucky to have many pieces of her work to help remember her by. And yes the hyphen is missing. I've been fighting people screwing up my name my whole life.
Totally off subject but how can a girl with that many makeup brushes be so clueless about makeup?
Today's word: trash.

This recycle bin is the pawn in the passive aggressive fight I have with our housekeeper at work every day. This is how she places it every day after she empties it. And every day I turn it 90 degrees so the skinny side is out. Every. Day. Not just to be a jackass, mind you, but because there is a file drawer that I need to get into sometimes and my can placement makes it easier. I would mention something to her but it is just seems so petty. So turning the can has become a part of my morning routine. It has actually started to amuse me.
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This is a tiny mug I have had since I was a wee girl. My great aunt made ceramics and made this for me. I am so lucky to have many pieces of her work to help remember her by. And yes the hyphen is missing. I've been fighting people screwing up my name my whole life.
Totally off subject but how can a girl with that many makeup brushes be so clueless about makeup?
Today's word: trash.
This recycle bin is the pawn in the passive aggressive fight I have with our housekeeper at work every day. This is how she places it every day after she empties it. And every day I turn it 90 degrees so the skinny side is out. Every. Day. Not just to be a jackass, mind you, but because there is a file drawer that I need to get into sometimes and my can placement makes it easier. I would mention something to her but it is just seems so petty. So turning the can has become a part of my morning routine. It has actually started to amuse me.
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Monday, March 26, 2012
Photo of the Day - Day 26
Today's word: key.

In the past few years I have discovered something about myself: sleep is the key to my happiness and overall well-being. If I am well rested my mood is good, I eat less crap food, I am my productive at work and at home, I want to do more, I feel more positive, etc. Sleep is absolutely key.
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In the past few years I have discovered something about myself: sleep is the key to my happiness and overall well-being. If I am well rested my mood is good, I eat less crap food, I am my productive at work and at home, I want to do more, I feel more positive, etc. Sleep is absolutely key.
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Sunday, March 25, 2012
Photo of the Day- Day 25
Today's word: breakfast.

Nom, nom, nom. We usually cook a decent breakfast at least one weekend morning each week. We went a little fancier because of photos today and because we actually had a bunch of food in the house. We had ham, scrambled eggs, potatoes with onions and peppers, English muffins, grapefruit slices and orange juice. Why yes, it was as awesome as it sounds.
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Nom, nom, nom. We usually cook a decent breakfast at least one weekend morning each week. We went a little fancier because of photos today and because we actually had a bunch of food in the house. We had ham, scrambled eggs, potatoes with onions and peppers, English muffins, grapefruit slices and orange juice. Why yes, it was as awesome as it sounds.
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Saturday, March 24, 2012
Friday, March 23, 2012
Photo of the Day- Day 23
Today's word: moon.
Since yesterday was a new moon I was worried how I would get my moon picture for the day. But then I realized that we would be right by McMenamins Queen Anne after the ballet tonight and McMenamins HAD to have a moon somewhere in their decor. Sure enough, I wasn't disappointed.

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Since yesterday was a new moon I was worried how I would get my moon picture for the day. But then I realized that we would be right by McMenamins Queen Anne after the ballet tonight and McMenamins HAD to have a moon somewhere in their decor. Sure enough, I wasn't disappointed.
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Thursday, March 22, 2012
St. Patrick's Dash Race Report
It is that time of year again. Time for the annual St. Patrick's Dash through the streets of Seattle. This was the first road race I ever did (well, as an adult anyway) and this year marks my ninth straight year of dashing. Sadly, there was much more plodding and very little dashing this time around.
I won't give you a break down of miles or any such statistics other than to say I had to fight hard to bring my total pace in at 11:56. For comparison, 2009's Dash was two minutes per mile faster. Let's just say it was 3.7 miles of wake-up call for me regarding my weight, my lack of training, my lack of consistency, my lack of willpower and my inability to pace. I knew I wasn't well trained but damn, I didn't know I was THAT bad. I posted my worst pace in any race ever with the exception of my first two half-marathons. But, I did get to hang out with Amber and Justice so that was a nice thing.
While my cardiovascular system is out of shape and my muscles are flabby and weak, which didn't surprise me too badly, the part that really disturbs me is my atrophied will power. I have lost the ability to gut it out, to punch through the discomfort, to run strong and to run tough. Gone. Completely gone. I had a whole lot of give up in me during this race and that bothers me. A lot. In some ways that is harder to come by for me than the physical training and I worry if I can get it back.
So what is the plan so my next race doesn't suck? I am still going to do some run/walk until I can get my strength back and maybe that will help with the mental piece too. The biggest thing I have to do is be consistent. That means a minimum of three runs a week, but four if I can manage it in my schedule. No excuses, no exceptions.
Oh, and I am going to totally be working on losing some of this lard too. I guarantee my next race will show improvement.
Some of the 14,000 getting ready to run. |
I won't give you a break down of miles or any such statistics other than to say I had to fight hard to bring my total pace in at 11:56. For comparison, 2009's Dash was two minutes per mile faster. Let's just say it was 3.7 miles of wake-up call for me regarding my weight, my lack of training, my lack of consistency, my lack of willpower and my inability to pace. I knew I wasn't well trained but damn, I didn't know I was THAT bad. I posted my worst pace in any race ever with the exception of my first two half-marathons. But, I did get to hang out with Amber and Justice so that was a nice thing.
Here's Amber (I think Justice is hiding behind her). |
While my cardiovascular system is out of shape and my muscles are flabby and weak, which didn't surprise me too badly, the part that really disturbs me is my atrophied will power. I have lost the ability to gut it out, to punch through the discomfort, to run strong and to run tough. Gone. Completely gone. I had a whole lot of give up in me during this race and that bothers me. A lot. In some ways that is harder to come by for me than the physical training and I worry if I can get it back.
So what is the plan so my next race doesn't suck? I am still going to do some run/walk until I can get my strength back and maybe that will help with the mental piece too. The biggest thing I have to do is be consistent. That means a minimum of three runs a week, but four if I can manage it in my schedule. No excuses, no exceptions.
Oh, and I am going to totally be working on losing some of this lard too. I guarantee my next race will show improvement.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Photo of the Day - Day 21
Yep, I blew off yesterday's phrase because I couldn't think of any before/after shots I wanted to take. If I was thinking I would have taken a picture of the 9100 lbs. of pears I helped repack last night and then the empty warehouse afterwards. Dang!
Today's word: delicious.

Peanut butter and pickle....my very favorite sandwich and a very fine dinner. Nom nom nom.
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Today's word: delicious.
Peanut butter and pickle....my very favorite sandwich and a very fine dinner. Nom nom nom.
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Monday, March 19, 2012
Photo of the Day - Day 19
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